Rustig Toko Lodge Kamanjab accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Rustig Toko Lodge Kamanjab Namibia. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Rustig Toko Lodge Kamanjab, read all the accommodation information about Rustig Toko Lodge.
We also explain to you more about our cattle farming operation, water reservoirs and borehole systems.
Our ever popular night drives are highly recommended and give you the chance to spot the ‘shy five’:
Ardvark Aardwolf Porcupine African Wild Cat Bat-Eared fox You can also spot the very seldom Pangolin (Scaly anteater), Brown Hyena, Honey Badger, Small-spotted Genet, Serval Cat, Springhare, various owls, night badger, Crowned Lapwing, Kori bustard and various nocturnal snakes.
You can go for early morning or late afternoon guided or unguided walking trails along dolomite hills to spot Damara Dik-dik, Klipspringer and rock dassies or to identify over 200 bird species, including three types of hornbills, especially our logo bird, the endemic Monteiro’s Hornbill and the rare Hartlaub’s Francolin.
Our guide will explain to you the different animal tracks and details about the flora in our environment.
Half Day Tours
Rock engravings at the Peet Albert's Hilltop
This magical site offers you a wide spectrum of impressive rock engravings.
200 000 years ago, the San documented daily occurrences with endemic wildlife
onto one of the oldest and hardest rock formations, the Kamanjab Granite. This
granite formation is the only one of its kind in the surrounding 5000 ha.
Full Day Tours
Traditional Himba excursion
A thought-provoking and unforgettable experience is our full day tour of approx. 600 km to an 'Onganda' or HIMBA VILLAGE west of Opuwo. Over the years, we have established a close friendship with this particular group of Himba and have learned to speak their Otjiherero language fluently. They are now proud to explain their ancient traditions and beliefs to our guests; to show how they prepare the red ochre lotion used by their women; show how they grind the maize into meal; let you sit in their huts to look at the various Himba utensils and dresses, and to perform traditional dances not normally done for tourists elsewhere. They also have an amazing craft market we like to support. This exceptionally large Himba settlement also includes a chief's Onganda complete with a kraal for the holy cattle and the holy fire 'Okuruwo'.
Adventure Ombonde Tour in search of the elusive desert elephant: (only if weather conditions are agreeable)
Is it your dream to become one with nature? Then it is a must to visit the Ombonde, surely one of Namibia’s most beautiful dry rivers not far from us. White sand, amazing valleys, huge leadwood trees and mopani trees – an adventure pure! With our 4x4 vehicle we follow the dry river bed in search of the elusive desert elephant. We love and respect these amazing giants and we know how to approach them without disturbing or stressing them in their natural habitat. Here we have a good chance to share the peace and tranquility with the majestic desert elephant, as well as game such as Eland, Kudu, Giraffe, Oryx, Springbok, Warthog and Ostriches. We follow the route until we enjoy a light lunch under shady trees and return to the lodge in the afternoon.
Overnight Excursions
Epupa falls with two overnights
As the drive to the beautiful Epupa Falls takes about 8 hours, we need two nights at Epupa as well as one night before and after at Rustig Rustig Toko Lodge - a memorable trip worth its cost. Our route via Opuwo takes us to the banks of the Kunene River where we overnight in the comfort of the Omarunga Camp situated under tall Makalani palms next to the waterfall. The following day we visit a HIMBA VILLAGE and learn about their ancient customs and traditions. We also take long walks along the river and visit the spectacular Epupa Falls. If the water level permits, a boat trip upriver will give you further views of this beautiful valley threatened by a proposed dam. Enjoy the view from a hill at sunset before returning to the camp.
Western part of Etosha with 1 overnight
We are registered tour operators permitted to visit the WESTERN REGIONS OF ETOSHA. The infrastructure in this area is well established and there are good chances of seeing elephant, black rhino and lion in this region that is closed to normal tourism activities. We enter the Galton Gate early in the morning, proceed to Otjovasando and then visit various waterholes en route to either Okaukuejo or Halali, which we reach in the afternoon. A light lunch is served at the Olifantsrus enclosure. The evening is spent by a floodlit waterhole in the rest camp. The following morning we return to Rustig Rustig Toko Lodge or as otherwise arranged. This tour is subject to availability of accommodation in the Etosha National Park.
Ruacana - Ovamboland - Etosha with 3 - 5 overnights
This tour takes you to the verge of the Ruacana Falls, which are not running throughout the year, where we will stay at the natural and rustic Kunene River Lodge. The next day, we follow a picturesque and scenic route lined with Makalani palm trees along the Kunene River to Oshakati. After the rainy season (March till June) we find the most beautiful scenery with blossoming water lilies in the swamps along the road. We arrive in time for lunch at the well-kept Oshakati Country Lodge to stay for the second night. The next morning we take you to visit the Nakambale Museum built by a Finnish missionary in 1893, to find out more about the ways and ethnicity of the Ovambo tribe. We carry on through the northern Andoni Gate to enter the Etosha National Park and continue the tour with game viewing and bird watching until we reach the stylish Mushara Lodge. The last day is spent with more wildlife viewing, a photographer's delight, while we head back to Rustig Rustig Toko Lodge, home of the Monteiro's Toko.
The above-mentioned tour can be altered to the following:
- Start the tour at Epupa with two overnights. (This will then exclude the
stay at Ruacana)
- End the tour with a trip through the western part of Etosha, with one overnight
stay in the Park.