Khama Rhino Sanctuary Serowe Botswana

Khama Rhino Sanctuary Serowe accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Khama Rhino Sanctuary Serowe Botswana. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Khama Rhino Sanctuary Serowe, read all the accommodation information about Khama Rhino Sanctuary.

Khama Rhino Sanctuary Serowe

Our Rhino

To date, 14 white rhino have been translocated into the Sanctuary. The first four arrived in February 1993, from northern Botswana .

Khama Rhino Sanctuary Serowe

They were kept in very large bomas, built by local volunteers, until the 28km electric perimeter fence was completed in June 1995 when they were released to roam free within the Sanctuary.

Khama Rhino Sanctuary Serowe
Khama Rhino Sanctuary Serowe

All the rhino settled well and soon began breeding. With further translocations, some sad deaths, and many happy births (the most recent addition being born in 2004) the total number of white rhino at the Sanctuary is currently 34. We also have two black rhinos. The female is pregnant.

Khama Rhino Sanctuary Serowe

Our Future

Confidence in the Trust and its achievements mean that the Sanctuary continues to be recognised as a breeding centre for the re-population of white rhino in Botswana , as well as a home for the eventual re-introduction of black rhino into this country.

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Khama Rhino Sanctuary storiesKhama Rhino Sanctuary more information