Casa Miguel y Odalis Playa Giron Cuba

Casa Miguel y Odalis Playa Giron accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Casa Miguel y Odalis Playa Giron Cuba. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Casa Miguel y Odalis Playa Giron, read all the accommodation information about Casa Miguel y Odalis.


Casa Miguel y Odalis

Welcome to Casa Miguel y Odalis

The squeaky-clean Casa Miguel and Odalys is located in Playa Girón, tucked right by the main road behind a large residential block.


Casa Miguel y Odalis


The guuest rooms are recently renovated and offer everything you need for relaxing. The terrace and the outside are re-designed and offer a pleasant ambience to relax.

Casa Miguel y Odalis
Casa Miguel y Odalis
Room Facilities
Hot and cold water
Private bathroom
Casa Miguel y Odalis
Hotel Facilities
Ironing service
Laundry service
Guided tours
Bicycle rentals

Casa Miguel y Odalis Room Price Guide

All prices are given are per room per night in US$

Prices are staring prices given as a guide only, actual price may vary depending on availability.

Room Type and Season

Room Type and Season