Gran Caribe Villa Tortuga Varadero accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Gran Caribe Villa Tortuga Varadero Cuba. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Gran Caribe Villa Tortuga Varadero, read all the accommodation information about Gran Caribe Villa Tortuga.
Welcome to Gran Caribe Villa Tortuga
A terrific option for visitors looking for an affordable all-inclusive stay, Villa Tortuga is a popular, low-key resort on a quiet side street. It has many of the amenities and activities you would expect from higher-priced resorts.
Villa Tortuga is a cozy, no-frills, three-star hotel, favored by returning guests looking for these features. However, if you prefer more luxury (4 or more star quality), choose a hotel further north on the peninsula, though the beaches there are not superior.
Hotel Facilities
Front desk
Car rental
All prices are given are per room per night in US$
Prices are staring prices given as a guide only, actual price may vary depending on availability.