Hotel Casa Granda Santiago de Cuba accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Hotel Casa Granda Santiago de Cuba Cuba. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Hotel Casa Granda Santiago de Cuba, read all the accommodation information about Hotel Casa Granda.
Welcome to Hotel Casa Granda
Hotel Casa Granda is a very good hotel with a 4-star hotel located
in the heart of the Caribbean city of Santiago de Cuba, on the corner of the
Parque Cespedes.
Hotel Casa Granda maintains the simplicity and elegance of its eclectic architecture
in the heart of the city of Santiago de Cuba, surrounded by historical jewelry
and property worth admired by visitors.
Rooms at Hotel Casa Granda
Hotel Casa Granda has 58 rooms including 41 doubles, 14 double and 3 Junior
Suite, within them one for disabled, 21 overlook the Parque Cespedes from
which you can see the historic part of Santiago de Cuba.
Hotel Facilities
Guests at the Casagranda enjoy a luxurious restaurant, specializing in Creole
and international cuisine. A cozy terrace café-bar with views of the
neighboring park and a lookout point snack bar located in the Roof Garden
on the top floor, with splendid views of the city, the mountains and the Caribbean.
All prices are given are per room per night in US$
Prices are staring prices given as a guide only, actual price may vary depending on availability.