Hotel Moka las Terrazas Vinales accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Hotel Moka las Terrazas Vinales Cuba. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Hotel Moka las Terrazas Vinales, read all the accommodation information about Hotel Moka las Terrazas.
Welcome to Hotel Moka las Terrazas
Located approximately 73 kilometers west of Havana in the Sierra del Rosario Biosphere Reserve, Hotel Moka is one of Cuba’s most unique hotels. It was purposefully designed to meld seamlessly with the forested hills of Las Terrazas and the effect is unparalleled ecological comfort and style.
Guestrooms were built to houses of local residents to accommodate
international guests. You walk through the kitchen to your own (separate)
room, enriched with works by local artists. The Guesthouses are administrated
by Hotel Moka and do not offer gastronomic services, but a stay here stands
for integration with the Cuban family life.
Hotel Facilities
Bird watching
and trekking
All prices are given are per room per night in US$
Prices are staring prices given as a guide only, actual price may vary depending on availability.