Hotels & Accommodationin Downham MarketDownham Market England holiday, hotel and travel guide, offering accurate information on Downham Market hotels, lodges, camping sites guesthouses, bed and breakfasts and places to stay in Downham Market . All you need to know about Englands Downham Market for a holiday or a business trip, weather, currency, moblie phone networks, internet, electricity, as well as booking of accommodation, hotels, bed and breakfasts, guesthouses, cottages, self catering houses, camp sites and more in Downham Market England.
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Places to stay in Downham MarketDownham Market sometimes simply referred to as Downham is a town and civil parish in Norfolk, England. Approached from the west across wide acres of flat Fenland, Downham Market lies ahead on the first high ground. Here our prehistoric ancestors had dry land, safe from flooding, on which to build their homes, raise their cattle and crops, and still enjoy the wealth of fish, eels and wildfowl from the fens. The ancient saxon town of Downham Market is a delightful place to visit and is one of Norfolk's oldest market towns. Considered by many to be the gateway to the Fens, and with a network of waterways close by plus lots to see and do in the town and surrounding area, Downham Market is a great place for a weekend break in Norfolk. Downham Market has a wealth of interesting historic buildings. In the main square see the town's unique black and white clock tower. Gothic in design and made from wrought iron, it is proudly considered one of Downham Market's most distinctive features. Through exhibitions and displays the Heritage Centre tells the story of the area and its people through the ages. |
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