Hotels & Accommodation in King's LynnKing's Lynn England holiday, hotel and travel guide, offering accurate information on King's Lynn hotels, lodges, camping sites guesthouses, bed and breakfasts and places to stay in King's Lynn . All you need to know about Englands King's Lynn for a holiday or a business trip, weather, currency, moblie phone networks, internet, electricity, as well as booking of accommodation, hotels, bed and breakfasts, guesthouses, cottages, self catering houses, camp sites and more in King's Lynn England.
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Places to stay in King's LynnKing's Lynn is the northernmost settlement on the River Great Ouse, situated 97 miles (156 km) north of London and 44 miles (71 km) west of Norwich. The town lies about 5 miles (8 km) south of the Wash, an estuary on the northwest margin of East Anglia and 12 miles (19 km) from the mouth of the Wash, an area subject to dangerous tides and shifting sandbanks. King's Lynn has an area of 11 square miles (28 km2). The town has several public parks, the largest one being the Walks, a historic 17 hectare urban park in the centre of King's Lynn. The Walks is the only surviving town walk in Norfolk from the 18th century. King’s Lynn enjoys the best of both worlds – a modern vibrant commercial centre set in a town steeped in history. |
Head Hotel |
House Hotel |
Kings Lynn |
Lodge |
Inn |
Beeches Guest H. |
House |
Hall |
Annes Guest House |
Manor |
Farm B&B |
Old Rectory |
Nelson |
New |
New |
New |
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Accommodation King's Lynn England places to stay in King's Lynn hotels in England King's Lynn camping guesthouses and bed and breakfasts |
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