Hotels & Accommodation in Northleach

Northleach England holiday, hotel and travel guide, offering accurate information on Northleach hotels, lodges, camping sites guesthouses, bed and breakfasts and places to stay in Northleach . All you need to know about Englands Northleach for a holiday or a business trip, weather, currency, moblie phone networks, internet, electricity, as well as booking of accommodation, hotels, bed and breakfasts, guesthouses, cottages, self catering houses, camp sites and more in Northleach England.

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Places to stay in Northleach

The Cotswold town of Northleach in Gloucestershire is located at an important crossroads, just off the roman road, the Fosse Way (A429) 10 miles north-east of Cirencester and 10 miles south-west of Stow on the Wold. The town centre is compact and completely unspoilt, having changed little since 1500. Here you walk through the small alleys leading off the marketplace and discover houses, whose upper levels of timber framing overhang great stone built walls and wide oak doors. It is said that beneath the houses and streets of Northleach runs a maze of stone vaulted tunnels. The area is a walker’s paradise with many beautiful walks across open Cotswold countryside. Above all, Northleach is a thriving small Cotswold town which has successfully balanced its traditional commerce with the demands of tourism. When you walk through the town, it presents itself as a proud descendent of the great days of the wool trade, boasting the finest example of the Cotswold perpendicular style in the impressive Church of St Peter and Paul. Although wool is no longer the main business of the town, the marketplace is busy with trade and the local hostelries provide a lively service to both visitors and locals.


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