Hotels & Accommodation in TauntonTaunton England holiday, hotel and travel guide, offering accurate information on Taunton hotels, lodges, camping sites guesthouses, bed and breakfasts and places to stay in Taunton. All you need to know about Englands Taunton for a holiday or a business trip, weather, currency, moblie phone networks, internet, electricity, as well as booking of accommodation, hotels, bed and breakfasts, guesthouses, cottages, self catering houses, camp sites and more in Taunton England.
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Places to stay in TauntonTaunton is the county town of Somerset, England. The town, including its suburbs, had an estimated population of 61,400 in 2001. It is the largest town in the shire county of Somerset. The town has over 1,000 years of religious and military history, and is now undergoing a regeneration project. It has various transport links which support its central role in economy and commerce. Taunton is the site of Musgrove Park Hospital and Somerset County Cricket Club's County Ground and is home to 40 Commando, Royal Marines. Central Taunton is part of the annual West Country Carnival circuit. It hosts the Taunton flower show, which has been held in Vivary Park since 1866. The United Kingdom Hydrographic Office is located on Admiralty Way. |
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