Chanthapanya HotelVientianeChanthapanya Hotel Vientiane accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Chanthapanya Hotel Vientiane Laos. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Chanthapanya Hotel Vientiane, read all the accommodation information about Chanthapanya Hotel. |
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Welcome to Chanthapanya Hotel Sabaidee and welcome to Hotel Chanthapanya, Vientiane, Laos. From the front door, through the lobby, in the dining room and in every guest room, three words describe our Hotel exquisite, exclusive and excellence. |
Entering the hotel lobby, guests will be greeted by exquisitely carved
timber furniture exclusive to our Hotel that exudes an air of traditional
charm and elegance, and provides guests with a homely comfort. |
Moving to your room you will be faced by tastefully and lavishly furnished timber furniture in traditional design. With heavenly comfortable beds into which you'll sink, awaking recharged and re-energized for your next day in Vientiane. |
Directions to Chanthapanya Hotel
Facilities at Chanthapanya Hotel |
Hotel Facilities |
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service |
Reviews of Chanthapanya Hotel |
Payment informationA Deposit is required to hold your reservation. We accept the following credit / debit cards
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