Baobab Lodge Vilanculos

Baobab Lodge Vilanculos accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Baobab Lodge Vilanculos Mozambique. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information and information for your stay at Baobab Lodge Vilanculos, read all the accommodation information about Baobab Lodge.



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Baobab Lodge Mozambique

Baobab is a backpackers' place, and camping and cheap beds in dormitories are available.
There are also several separate circular chalets, built from local materials (palm leaves/wood) which are absolutely idyllic.
The setting, right down on the beach by an enormous Baobab Tree makes it one of the most beautiful and cheap places to stay in the Vilanculos.
It's a 5-10 minute walk from the main street in the centre of Vilanculos, down towards the beach and along to the right - everyone knows where it is.

Baobab Lodge MozambiqueBaobab Beach is an affordable beach resort situated on the coast of Mozambique near the seaside town Vilanculos.
The warm Agulhas current of the Indian Ocean brings with it a stream of diverse and marvelous sea-life such as whales, dolphins, sharks and fish species large and small and as varied and unique as the people who live in this beautiful country where the cultures of the Portuguese, Arabs and Africans have merged.
The islands of the Bazaruto Archipelago lay waiting in the hot African sun.

Baobab Beach Activities:
Coastal and inland exploring
Diving course
Dhow trips

Baobab Lodge MozambiqueBaobab Lodge Mozambique

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Baobab Lodge Mozambique