Cardoso Hotel Maputo Mozambique

Cardoso Hotel Maputo accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Cardoso Hotel Maputo Mozambique. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Cardoso Hotel Maputo, read all the accommodation information about Cardoso Hotel.

Special Offer: Pay for 3 nights and stay for 4 nights,
no compulsory dinners.

Cardoso Hotel Maputo
Welcome to Cardoso Hotel
This famous hotel offers an ideal venue for both business and leisure travelers. All bedrooms, lounge, bar and restaurants present a fresh, bright appearance and are fully air-conditioned. The Hotel Cardoso is 5 minutes by car to the business centre of Maputo and just 15 minutes from Mavalane Airport (Maputo International Airport).
Cardoso Hotel Maputo

Cardoso Hotel Maputo

A major feature of the hotel is the large outdoor pool, which is surrounded by spacious gardens and terrace that enjoys stunning views over the bay and city of Maputo. Refresh yourself with a swim, or just relax with a cool drink and enjoy the surroundings.

Cardoso Hotel Maputo

Cardoso Hotel Maputo

The restaurant and bar provide a wide variety of food from which you can choose. Enjoy a fine a la carte dinner, a more informal buffet for lunch or dinner, a quick snack, or just a relaxing drink in the bar.

Cardoso Hotel Maputo

Residence fitness centre: Modern Gymnasium, totally equipped to help you stay in shape and healthy.
Airport service: On Request
Parking: Car parking free for 54 cars.
Car Hire: Can be arranged at the Guest Relations desk.
Currency Exchange: Facilities are available at reception.
Cardoso Hotel Maputo
Leisure: Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, Travel Desk, Golf, fishing, boat trips and beach visits can be organized at our Travel Desk.
In-House Clinic: The hotel employs a full time nurse to attend to staff members and immediate family. The hotel clinic is also assisted by daily visits from the doctor.

Hotel Facilities
Cardoso Hotel hotel room facility Bar
Cardoso Hotel hotel room facility Restaurant
Cardoso Hotel hotel room facility Baby Cots
Cardoso Hotel hotel room facility Room Service
Cardoso Hotel hotel room facility Business Centre
Cardoso Hotel hotel room facility Swimming Pool
Cardoso Hotel Maputo
Hotel Facilities
Cardoso Hotel hotel facility Parking
Cardoso Hotel hotel facility Activity Centre
Cardoso Hotel hotel facility Airport Transfer
Cardoso Hotel hotel facility Disabled Rooms
Cardoso Hotel hotel facility Tourist Info Centre
Cardoso Hotel hotel facility Language Spoken Portuguese, English, Afrikaans

Cardoso Hotel AccommodationCardoso Hotel more information

Cardoso Hotel Restaurant and ConferenceCardoso Hotel more information