Go Wild Resort Xai-Xai accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Go Wild Resort Xai-Xai Mozambique. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Go Wild Resort Xai-Xai, read all the accommodation information about Go Wild Resort.
Go Wild Resort is a fantastic holiday destination at Praia de Xai-Xai, Mozambique,
with luxury accommodation, immaculate houses, stunning sea views, restaurant
& bar and has options for ownership or holiday rentals.
Praia de Xai-Xai is 250km north of Maputo with beautiful beaches, large sloping dunes, fun activities, rock and surf and deep sea fishing, numerous bars and restaurants and a sublime atmosphere. Spoil yourself in the hot summers and warm winters soaking in the sunshine and fresh air with your family.
Beautifully appointed houses with every conceivable modern amenity. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and brick & tile construction for ultra low maintenance.Go Wild Resort is located on the dunes overlooking the ocean with each house having stunning sea views. Go Wild Resort has a bar and restaurant that has a diverse menu. Enjoy local and imported refreshments and indulge in tasty seafood, chicken, meat and pizzas. Open from 08h00 to 22h00 for breakfast, lunch and dinner or anything in-between.
Prices are staring prices given as a guide only, actual price may vary depending on availability.
A 50% deposit is required to hold your reservation with balance payable 10 weeks before your travel date. Bank transfer, credit and debit cards accepted for pre-bookings. Paypal available on request.
Go Wild Resort
Go Wild Resort
Go Wild Resort
Go Wild Resort
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