Maputo City Information
Maputo is Mozambique’s
capital and is in the south of Mozambique only 95km from the border
with South Africa. Maputo is a nice compact city
with the Indian Ocean on two sides and two main
roads in and out of the centre, the EN4 from South Africa and the
EN1 north road (that goes to Xai Xai, Inhambane, Vilankulo and beyond.
Maputo city has a very African feel with a mixture of old and
new buildings dotting the skyline, construction is underway in many
areas of Maputo as the country redevelops itself and grows.
Maputo International airport is just a few kilometres
out of Maputo city centre and there are daily flights from Johannesburg.
Inhaca Island lies in Maputo Bay just a short ferry ride or 10
minute flight from Maputo.
The capital and largest city of Mozambique. A port on the Indian
Ocean, its economy is centered around the harbour. It has an official
population of approximately 1,244,227 (2006),[1] but the actual
population is estimated to be much higher because of slums and other
unofficial settlements. Coal, cotton, sugar, chromite, sisal, copra,
and hardwood are the chief exports. The city manufactures cement,
pottery, furniture, shoes, and rubber. There is also a large aluminium
smelting plant, Mozal.
Maputo is a melting pot of several cultures, with a strong South
African influence. The Bantu and Portuguese cultures dominate, but
the influence of Arab, Indian, and Chinese cultures is also felt.
The cuisine is diverse, owing especially to the Portuguese and Muslim
heritage, and seafood is also quite abundant.

Attractions and what to do in the Maputo area
Central Market

The building is somewhat dilapidated now but nonetheless beautiful
and the market is a hub of activity, with stalls selling prawns,
fish, cashew nuts, vegetables and crafts.
Railway Station

This grand building is one of the
most important places in town. Designed by Gustave Eiffel in 1910.
It is considered as most beautiful building, with marble pillars,
wrought iron work and a large central dome. |
Iron House
In 1892, this house was designed by Gustave
Eiffel. It is completely made up of steel walls and roof, all bolted
together and was originally intended as the Governor's house. |
Museum of Art

this museum has an extensive collection
of paintings and sculpture by Mozambican artists, including the
works of Malangatana, Naguib, Chissano and Mucavele. |

The coastal road along the beach north of the city centre featuring
along the way:
The Fish Market
Bairro Triunfo
Bairro Costa do Sol
Bairro dos Pescadores
of Our Lady

Built in the early 1944 in the shape
of a cross by Gustav Eiffel who built the famous tower in Paris.
This is a well known landmark This is an unusual design for a cathedral
but eye-catching and worth a visit. |
40 km off the coast of Maputo, there are
various beaches, some of the Mozambique Channel's best coral reefs,
a historic lighthouse and marine biology museum. Diving and Game
fishing is also popular. |
Elephant Reserve

79 km south of Maputo There are
elephants, some leopards and few antelope, crocodiles, hippos and
side-striped jackals in this park. Flamingos can be seen on the
inland lakes as well as a variety of other water birds. |
Chief Mgyeni Khumato Drive
ATM machine
Pick n Pay Centre
Chief Mgyeni Khumato Drive
ATM machine
main street
ATM machine
main street
ATM machine
main street
ATM machine

Chief Mgyeni Khumato Drive
ATM machine |

Pick n Pay Centre
Chief Mgyeni Khumato Drive
ATM machine |
main street
ATM machine |

main street
ATM machine |
Other Attractions around Maputo CIty
The Statue of Samora Machel
In the Praça da Independência, at the entrance to
the Tunduru Garden, you will find the statue of Samora Machel (1933-1986).
He was the first president of the People's Republic of Mozambique. The
statue is cast in bronze and was erected after his tragic death in a plane
crash over South Africa.
The Municipal Council
Completed in 1945, this neo-classical building currently houses
the mayoral chambers and city council offices. During colonial times,
the words 'Aqui é Portugal' ('This is Portugal') were inscribed
on the front of the building but have since been removed. Inside the lobby
are models of Maputo and Marracuene as they were in former times. You
are permitted to enter the lobby but are not allowed to go further inside
the building.
Franco-Mozambican Cultural Centre
This attractive building is on Av. Samora Machel, just across
the street from the Cathedral. It is worth popping in for a look as many
cultural events take place there and there is a small café/bar.
There is also a library with a good collection of books about Mozambique
and French periodicals. Programmes are issued bi-monthly. Opening hours:
Monday-Friday, 08H00-12H00 and 14H00-17H00.
The Tunduru Gardens
This is a pleasant spot to relax during the heat of the day where
the canopy of tall trees creates an oasis of shade and calm for workers
and tourists alike. It was created in 1885 by the famous English gardener,
Thomas Honney, who also designed gardens for the Sultan of Turkey and
the King of Greece. For those interested in botany, many of the trees
are labelled with information about the species and origin. It is possible
to visit the greenhouse but first ask for permission at the office nearby.
Within the garden, adjacent to Av. Vladimir Lenine, you will find tennis
courts owned by the Mozambique Tennis Federation and a couple of restaurants
nearby which serve lunches and snacks, in a pleasant, shady environment.
Outside the garden, not far away is the famous Café Continental,
on 25 de Setembro where you can choose between the old fashioned interior
or the outside esplanada which gives a great view of passing life.
Centre for Brazilian Studies
This charming old building can be found on the junction of Av.
Karl Marx and Av. 25 de Setembro. The centre runs courses in the Portuguese
language and is equipped with a language laboratory. It has a reference
library and also exhibition space. On Friday evenings, there is often
live music in the bar of the upstairs courtyard. Hours of opening: Tuesday-Friday,
09H00-13H00 and 15H00-19H00.
The Money Museum
This famous building on Rua Consiglieri Pedroso near the Praça
25 de Junho, the Casa Amarela (Yellow House), owes its name to the fact
that it has always been painted yellow. The museum traces the history
of currency in Mozambique. Opening hours: Tuesday-Thursday, Saturday 09H00-12H00
and 14H00-16H30; Fridays 09H00-12H00 and Sundays 14H00-17H00.
Arts and Crafts Market
If you happen to be visiting the Praça 25 de Junho on
a Saturday before lunchtime, you will come across this market in the middle
of the Square. Here you can buy anything from a batik to a painted bird
or a carved wooden head. There are also sandalwood products on sale. The
market attracts many tourists so be prepared to haggle and bargain for
a better deal.
The Fortress
On the other side of the Praça 25 de Junho is the Fortress,
one of Maputo's oldest buildings. The style of building greatly resembles
other Portuguese forts along the coast of East Africa. Currently it is
a military museum and contains many of the relics of Mozambique's colonial
past and from time to time hosts visiting exhibitions. Opening hours:
Saturday and Sunday, 07H00-17H00.
Port of Maputo
Destined to play a major role in the future of Mozambique, the
Port of Maputo is the nearest access to the sea for land-locked Swaziland
and the northern provinces of South Africa. It was built in 1784 but was
not fully developed for commercial trade until the Portuguese settled
here permanently in 1867.
Praça dos Trabalhadores
From the Port area, continue down the Rua Martires de Inhaminga
and you will arrive in the Praça dos Trabalhadores. In the centre
of the Praça is a monument dedicated to Mozambican soldiers who
fought in World War One. The sculpture portrays a woman who, according
to local legend, killed a cobra which had been terrorising local people
for some time. The cobra plunged to its death in a pot of boiling porridge,
which the woman was carrying on her head at the time. The cobra can be
seen rising from the woman's feet.
Louis Trichardt Memorial
Situated on Av. Josina Machel, this memorial garden is dedicated
to the memory of Louis Trichardt, a South African explorer who travelled
the distance from South Africa to Lourenço Marques (now Maputo).
His journey can be traced on a water mosaic in the memorial grounds, where
he is buried
Statue of Eduardo Mondlane
In the middle of the busy traffic junction at the top of Av.
Eduardo Mondlane stands the statue of Dr. Eduardo Mondlane (1920-1969),
who was asassinated by a letter bomb. He was the first president of FRELIMO
and played an influential role in the development of the struggle for
independence in Mozambique.
Casa da Cultura
This building can be found on the junction of Av. Albert Luthuli
and Av. Ho Chi Minh. It is the home of the renowned Companhia Nacional
de Canto e Dança. (National Music and Dance Company).The centre
offers dance and music classes and there are some craft items on sale
in the entrance hall.
Museum of the Revolution
This museum recounts the history of the Revolution in Mozambique,
through various maps and photographs. There are also examples of weapons
and uniforms worn at the time. All of the captions and texts are in Portuguese
and the museum fills four floors of the building. Opening hours: Weekdays
09H00-12H00 and 14H00-18H00 (except Wednesday), Saturday 14H00-18H00 and
Sundays 09H00-12H00 and 15H00-18H00.
Praça dos Heróis
This memorial is situated near the airport, in the middle of
a traffic roundabout, on Av. Acordos de Lusaka. The star-shaped monument
holds the remains of Mozambique's heroes of the revolution and is open
to the public on 3rd February each year, Heroes' Day. Across the road
from the monument is a mural depicting the struggle for independence,
which was the creation of a group of Mozambique's most influential artists.
Please note that you may take photos of the mural (although you may attract
the attention of the police) but not of the monument and you are not permitted
to walk across the roundabout (you will pay a fine based on the number
of metres walked if you do!).
Campo do Desportivo
If you set out from the Cardoso Hotel, it is possible to look
down over the Baixa area and the Bay of Maputo. The green terraces on
the hill lead down to the sports grounds of Campo Maxaquene and Campo
do Desportivo, where musicians such as Hugh Masekela and Kappa Dech have
performed. The view is excellent and it helps to put the geography of
the city into perspective for the first time visitor. There are steps
leading down to Av. 25 de Setembro but there have been muggings on these
steps and it is not advisable to use this route to get to the Baixa.
Museum of Natural History
This building is situated on the junction near the Hotel Cardoso.
The museum is closed to the public during the process of restoration,
and will remain closed until the year 2000 at the earliest, but it is
worth taking a look at the outside of the building which was built in
the Manueline style of architecture. The museum has a display of stuffed
animals and a unique collection of elephant foetuses which represent each
stage of the 22 months gestation period of the elephant. Tel: 491145
Nucleo de Arte, R. da Argelia
This is a local artists association, which holds workshops and
exhibitions of the works of established and up and coming artists. It
is also possible to see some of the artists at work. Open Monday - Friday,
09H00-12H00 & 14H00-18H00 and Saturday mornings.
Geology Museum
Situated on Av. 24 de Julho 355, this building has been renovated
over a period of ten years with money raised by the Department of Geology.
It contains exhibits of gemstones and minerals excavated in Mozambique
and the staff are well-informed and enthusiastic about their subject.
Larger groups and schools should phone to arrange a guided tour (Tel:
498053). Open: Tuesday-Friday, 15H00-18H00, Saturday 08H00-12H00 &
The Wedding Palace
Situated on Av. Julius Nyerere close to the Avenida Hotel is
an ornate white building, with pillars and decorative mouldings. This
is where many of Maputo's young couples get married by civil ceremony.
Just around the corner is the Greek Orthodox church on Av. A. Sekou Touré.
The President's Official Residence
Beyond the Hotel Polana, as you travel towards the Costa do Sol,
is one of the official residences of President Chissano on the right hand
side of the road. The grounds of the house are patrolled by armed guards
and it is worth noting that it is not permitted to walk along the pavement
in front of the house. On the left hand side of the road is the Ungumi
Restaurant and the Nautilus Pub. This is one of Maputo's most elegant
restaurants, renowned both for its excellent food and extensive collection
of Mozambican works of art, which are on display throughout the building.
The best way to set off on this journey is from Av. 25 de Setembro in
the Baixa. On the way you will pass by the Feira Popular, which is described
in the Restaurant section, and the outdoor running track on the right.
You will also pass the FACIM, which hosts Mozambique's annual trade fair.
Across the roundabout is the Nautical School. Continue along the Marginal,
making sure to take the lower road beside the sea. This is a pleasant
area for a stroll during the hot weather but it is also attractive to
thieves, so be careful.
The best way to set off on this journey is from Av. 25 de Setembro in
the Baixa. On the way you will pass by the Feira Popular, which is described
in the Restaurant section, and the outdoor running track on the right.
You will also pass the FACIM, which hosts Mozambique's annual trade fair.
Across the roundabout is the Nautical School. Continue along the Marginal,
making sure to take the lower road beside the sea. This is a pleasant
area for a stroll during the hot weather but it is also attractive to
thieves, so be careful.
The Marginal
The Clube Naval, which was built in 1913, is one of the first
buildings that you will see along the Marginal. It has a swimming pool,
tennis courts and boat launching facilities. The club is open to members
only. About 2km further along the road is the Artedif Crafts Shop, which
has an excellent selection of articles made locally in Mozambique. They
have a good range of leather bags and sandals and they also repair leather
items. The project is run by people with disabilities and is open every
day from 09H00 until 15H00. Further along the way are roadside vendors
selling reed furniture and ceramic pots. Nearby is the Parque de Campismo,
which is being extensively renovated from May 1999, and a small, new shopping
complex. Further beyond the Parc Campismo are the Kaya Kwanga and the
Mini Golf Complex, which are ideal for families with children. The Club
Marítimo has the distinction of being the only restaurant along
the Marginal with tables right beside the sea. This is a pleasant spot
to be when the weather gets really hot and you can watch the windsurfers
and boats while you eat.
The Fish Market
If you take the road to the left at the Club Marítimo,
you will find the Fish Market on your right hand side. It is the destination
of much of the fresh fish caught around Maputo. It is an open market,
which has on sale every kind of edible marine life from prawns and clams
to kingfish and even shark. There are little bars and restaurants there
too, some of which will cook and serve the fish you have bought yourself,
as long as you are prepared to 'lose' a little along the way.
Bairro Triunfo
As you continue your journey along the coast you will drive through
Bairro Triunfo, which is becoming very developed as the demand for housing
in Maputo increases. There are several small restaurants and bars in this
area. If you enjoyed your visit to Artedif, you may like to have a look
at Shanty Craft, which also sells craft items and is open every day except
Bairro Costa do Sol
Once this marked the end of the road and the boundary of the
city of Maputo. The Costa do Sol restaurant is a charming art deco style
building with original features and specialises in seafood and Greek cuisine.
Accommodation is available above the restaurant and in the new chalets
adjacent to the restaurant. There are plenty of crafts on sale at the
roadside here and when the tide is out, there is a broad expanse of beach
on which to walk or paddle.
Bairro dos Pescadores
The road continues on over the bridge from the Costa do Sol and
winds through the Bairro dos Pescadores. Along the coast on both sides
are areas of mangrove trees, which attract many species of birds. The
shore is dotted with small fishing boats and the fishermen sell their
catch on the beach. About 3km from Costa do Sol is the Villa dos Pescadores,
a pleasant restaurant with a pool, live music at the weekends and conference
Cooperativa de Arte Makonde
This crafts workshop specialises in the carvings of the Makonde
people. It is situated in Av. Marianne N'gouabi 798 and is open all day
from Monday to Saturday.
Mercado Janete
This busy little market is situated between Av. Mao Tse Tung
and Av. Paulo Samuel Kankhomba. Most household goods are available here
as well as fresh fruit and vegetables, clothing and plastic goods. There
are also a number of shoe repair services and a public telephone booth.
Mercado Xipamanine
This is the largest market in Mozambique and one of the most
infamous. It is renowned for its selection of capulanas (traditional cloth)
and has an extensive traditional medicine section, including animal claws
and tails - not for the faint of heart! This market is notorious so you
need to be extra careful with your wallet and your purchases.
Chissano Museum
You can find this museum by travelling out to Matola, down Av.
24 de Julho and continuing on in the direction of the border with South
Africa. It is situated in Rua Torre do Vale, Bairro Sial, Matola. The
museum contains the works of sculptor Alberto Chissano and other Mozambican
artists. The restaurant in the museum specialises in local cuisine such
as chicken, matapa and xima/uswa. There is a set menu costing 130,000MT
per person for which advance booking is essential (Tel: 780705). Opening
hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 09H00-12H00 and 15H00-17H00.
