Hotel Phaphalati Ponta Mozambique

Hotel Phaphalati Ponta accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Hotel Phaphalati Ponta Mozambique. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information and information for your stay at Hotel Phaphalati Ponta, read all the accommodation information about Hotel Phaphalati.



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Ponta do Ouro

Hotel Phaphalati Mozambique

Hotel Phaphalati opened in 2010, located along the beach near ponta Malongane - 13km from the small village of Ponta do Ouro.

Situated at the southern tip of Mozambique amongst coastal bush forest, fronted by unspoilt beach, Hotel Phaphalati is a tranquil haven for adventurers and pleasure seekers.

For a family holiday in the sun or a romantic getaway, Hotel Phaphalati captures the feel of Mozambique.

Reconnect with nature and embrace a lifestyle in harmony with your natural environment or partake in the local attractions such as fishing, scuba diving, snorkeling and dolphin watching just a few kilometers away in Ponta do Ouro.
The lodge has a sumptuous lounge and large pool deck presenting stunning views over the ocean. Lunch and dinner menus are available in the dining room and the bar serves up a variety of mouth-watering cocktails.

• 32 rooms
• Dining Room where Lunch and dinner menus are available
• Bar with DSTV
• Lounge and Pool Deck
• Beach Access from the lodge

Hotel Phaphalati Room Facilities

• Each Room has:
     En-suite Bathroom
     2 Single beds
     Bath Towels
     Complimentary soap, shampoo and body lotion

Access to Hotel Phaphalati, like all accommodaiton in this area, is by 4x4 only. Transfers can be arranged from the Kosi Bay border with South Africa for those travelling without their own 4x4.

Hotel Phaphalati embraces architectural elements of coastal living. Cool comfortable open spaces, large verandas and casual yet modern living with luxury finishes.

Directions to Hotel Phaphalati :

GPS CO-ORDINATES S26° 45' 26.6" E32° 53' 43.8"

From Durban take the N2 towards Hluhluwe, follow the signs to Mbazwana, and Kwa-Ngwanase. The border is about 20 km after the town of Manguzi (Kosi Bay).

From Johannesburg, take the N2 towards Jozini, follow the signs to Ingwavuma, Tembe Elephant Park and then Kwa-Ngwanase. The border is about 20km after the town of Manguzi.

Once across the border, travel towards Ponta do Ouro, then head North for approx 13 kms, pass through Ponta Malongane and the hotel is about 3kms past that.

Hotel Phaphalati Mozambique Hotel Phaphalati Mozambique

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Hotel Phaphalati Mozambique

Hotel Phaphalati Mozambique

Hotel Phaphalati Mozambique