BEST WESTERN Chinatown Hotel Yangon


BEST WESTERN Chinatown Hotel Yangon accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting BEST WESTERN Chinatown Hotel Yangon Myanmar. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at BEST WESTERN Chinatown Hotel Yangon, read all the accommodation information about BEST WESTERN Chinatown Hotel.


BEST WESTERN Chinatown Hotel

Welcome to BEST WESTERN Chinatown Hotel
Best Western Chinatown Hotel warmly welcomes you to Yangon. With our perfect location in the heart of Myanmar's commercial capital, you are invited to relax and enjoy the distinctive charms of this captivating city.


BEST WESTERN Chinatown Hotel

Relax in comfort and style in one of our 91 contemporary design guest rooms with international standard amenities. With elegant furnishings, high quality bedding and delightful bathrooms with a soaking tub, guests can enjoy the comforts of home from the moment they arrive.

BEST WESTERN Chinatown Hotel
BEST WESTERN Chinatown Hotel
Room Facilities
Free Iron and Ironing Board
Air Conditioning
Satelite Tv
Elevators or Lift
BEST WESTERN Chinatown Hotel
Hotel Facilities
Wi-Fi Internet
Room Service
Laundry Service
Shuttle Service (surcharge)
Multilingual Staff
Concierge Service

BEST WESTERN Chinatown Hotel Room Price Guide

All prices given are per room per night in US$

Prices are starting prices given as a guide only, actual price may vary depending on availability.

Room Type and Season

Normal Deluxe Room

Business Deluxe Room
Room Type and Season

Executive Room

Grand Deluxe