Clover City Center Plus Hotel Yangon


Clover City Center Plus Hotel Yangon accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Clover City Center Plus Hotel Yangon Myanmar. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Clover City Center Plus Hotel Yangon, read all the accommodation information about Clover City Center Plus Hotel.


Clover City Center Plus Hotel

Welcome to Clover City Center Plus Hotel

Newly renovated in 2013 and conveniently located in downtown Yangon, the stylish premier rooms offer excellent value to discerning travellers. Enjoy the comfort of plush beds and pillows, warm lightings - an oasis to return to after a long day exploring or working in Yangon.


Clover City Center Plus Hotel

Deluxe Rooms

Deluxe Rooms are especially spacious and designed with good sized work spaces to ensure your stay is both comfortable and productive. All rooms are equipped with free Wi-Fi internet, your personal electronic safe, tea and coffee making facilities.

Clover City Center Plus Hotel
Clover City Center Plus Hotel
Premier Deluxe Rooms
Premier Deluxe Rooms features light coloured timber interiors and warm lights that create a cozy and relaxing ambience. Enjoy the comfort of our plush bed and pillows, a pleasant workspace with complimentary internet access and a selection of television channels
Clover City Center Plus Hotel

Clover City Center Plus Hotel Room Price Guide

All prices given are per room per night in US$

Prices are starting prices given as a guide only, actual price may vary depending on availability.

Room Type and Season

Deluxe Rooms

Premier Deluxe Rooms
Room Type and Season

Deluxe Rooms

Premier Deluxe Rooms