This Oasis is located 90 km east of Gobabis and just 20 km west of Buitepos which is the Borderpost to enter Gauteng via Botswana. Zelda Game and Guest Farm are situated in the Omaheke Region which is in eastern Namibia and form part of the eleven regions of Namibia.

The game and guest farm is situated on 10 000Ha which is divided in 5000Ha for cattle farming and the remaining 5000Ha is our game reserve on which the guest farm is. This farm was founded in 1946 after the 2nd World War were land where given to former soldiers. It's name came from a magistrate whose daughter's name was "ZELDA".
The idea of the Guest Farm came from the opening of the Trans Kalahari Highway which linked Namibia, Botswana and South Africa on a much shorter and more interesting route. The Guestfarm was established in June 1997 and to date more than 14 000 guests visited this exciting farm.

Zeldas Camping Amenities
Zelda Guest Farm is located 90 km east of Gobabis and just 20 km west of Buitepos which is the Borderpost to enter Gauteng via Botswana.
Facilities at Zeldas Camping
- Swimming Pool
- Volleyball

What To Do at Zeldas Camping
Activities provided by the lodge or provided nearby, nearby tourist attractions, places to visit and things to see.
- Game Drives
- Bushmen dancing
- Animal Feeding
- Walking trails
- Birding