The hot springs at Rehoboth led to human settlement in the early 19th century. Today, the hot springs are utilised for relaxation and health reasons. Due to its close proximity to Windhoek (88 km), this resort is ideal for weekend or day trips.

It has an indoor thermal bath and a large outdoor swimming pool, surrounded by lawns with picnic facilities and a cafeteria. A visit to Reho Spa can also include a trip to the Oanob Dam situated west of Rehoboth, a popular venue for water-sport enthusiasts.
Features of Reho Spa and Recreation Resort
- Accommodation consisting of bungalows and rooms
- Conference facilities
- Picnic facilities
- Indoor thermal bath
- Large swimming pool
Activities at Reho Spa and Recreation Resort
- Trip to Oanob Dam (a popular venue for water sports)
- Relax in the swimming pool and indoor thermal bath
Reho Spa and Recreation Resort is located 88 km south of Windhoek.