Hotel Koresco Cagayan de Oro Philippines

Hotel Koresco Cagayan de Oro accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Hotel Koresco Cagayan de Oro Philippines. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information and information for your stay at Hotel Koresco Cagayan de Oro, read all the accommodation information about Hotel Koresco.




Cagayan de Oro Hotels Self Catering Camping Guesthouses and Places to stay in Cagayan de Oro

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Hotel Koresco Cagayan de Oro

Our accommodation in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines grants easy access to the different attractions and key places in the city.

Strategically located along Masterson Avenue, the airport road, the hotel allows guests to reach schools, hospitals, shopping centers, offices, country clubs and golf courses without difficulty.

Indeed, at Hotel Koresco, we make each holiday special, the way it should be.

Accommodation At Hotel Koresco:
The accommodations in our Cagayan de Oro hotel are graciously fitted with essential amenities and a tranquil ambience to help guests feel right at home.

The spacious rooms and suites are designed differently from each other, but all possess an intimate atmosphere, stylish interiors, air-conditioning, cable television, and hot and cold shower.

Enjoy their clean and comfortable beds, and for further convenience, the rooms have their own refrigerator and mini-bar. There is a phone with IDD service as well.

Children and extra beds:
Infant 0-1 year(s)
Stay for free if using existing bedding.
Note: if you need a cot there may be an extra charge.
Children 2-12 year(s)
Stay for free if using existing bedding.
Guests over 12 years old are considered as adults.
Extra beds are dependent on the room you choose.

Features of / Some ideas of what to do at Hotel Koresco



Swimming Pool


Wake-Up Call

Function Rooms

Gift Shop

Room Service

Daily Housekeeping


Hotel Koresco Prices


from/per night in

Deluxe Room


Ruby Suite


Pearl Suite


Emerald Suite


Diamond Suite


Ruby Family Suite



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in Cagayan de Oro

Hotel Koresco Cagayan de Oro

Hotel Koresco Cagayan de Oro

Hotel Koresco Cagayan de Oro

Hotel Koresco Cagayan de Oro