Welcome to West End Hotel Dunoon ScotlandWest End Hotel Dunoon accommodation guide - everything you need to know before visiting West End Hotel Dunoon Scotland. Room types, location, services, activities, facilities and information on West End Hotel. Whether you are going for a holiday or a business trip to Dunoon in Scotland read all the accommodation information about West End Hotel. |
Email West End Hotel enquiries & reservations: bookscotland@madbookings.com
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Suzy, Stephen, Shirley and Barry will give you a warm welcome to Dunoon, where you can enjoy the relaxed and friendly family atmosphere of the ‘West End’. The Hotel is situated on the traffic free West Bay, with private parking, and enjoys magnificent views of the Clyde Estuary, yet is only a few minutes walk from the town centre. Dunoon is the ideal base from which to tour the West of Scotland. With all the amenities of a modern town, swimming pools, bowling greens, tennis courts, horse riding and squash. In the summer season a daily choice of boat trips leave from Dunoon pier, including a trip "doon the watter" on the Paddle Steamer P.S. Waverly. West End Hotel AccommodationAll bedrooms are en-suite and are tastefully decorated. All bedrooms have colour television and tea and coffee making facilities. Enjoy the views of the River Clyde from our sun terrace. Varied Cuisine Live Entertainment on Saturday Nights DIRECTIONS We recommend Western Ferries which operate on a half hour schedule (no booking required, last ferry 10.30pm).On Dunoon side turn left and travel one mile along the sea front, past the Caledonian MacBrayne ferry terminal and take the first left. The West End Hotel is on the sea front West Bay, Dunoon. Email West End Hotel enquiries & reservations: bookscotland@madbookings.com