Welcome to Dunorin House Hotel Dunvegan ScotlandDunorin House Hotel Dunvegan accommodation guide - everything you need to know before visiting Dunorin House Hotel Dunvegan Scotland. Room types, location, services, activities, facilities and information on Dunorin House Hotel. Whether you are going for a holiday or a business trip to Dunvegan in Scotland read all the accommodation information about Dunorin House Hotel. |
Email Dunorin House Hotel enquiries & reservations: bookscotland@madbookings.com
Other places to stay in and around Dunvegan |
Welcome to the Dunorin House Hotel which is situated 3 miles south of Dunvegan castle, in the beautiful north-west of Skye. The hotel commands panoramic views of MacLeod’s Tables and the Cuillins. The hotel’s situation is one of the only places on Skye that offers uninterrupted views of all these scenic locations and is ideally situated for touring the whole island. We are situated overlooking Loch Roag which can be seen from the restaurant
and lounge bar. Dunorin House Hotel AccommodationAll the bedrooms are on the ground floor and non-smoking. Relax in the spacious hotel lounge with a drink from the bar, where a range of traditional malt whiskies including Skye’s own famous Talisker which is distilled at Carbost are available. We also stock a selection of Island ales including Red and Black Cuillin. At the Dunorin House you can enjoy the views over Loch Roag in the summer months or relax by the open log fire on cooler evenings. Things to do: Dunvegan Castle is said to be the oldest inhabited castle in Northern
Scotland, having been occupied by the clan MacLeod for over seven centuries
and today remains the ancestral home of the present 29th chief John MacLeod. Directions: Email Dunorin House Hotel enquiries & reservations: bookscotland@madbookings.com