Lanark ScotlandLanark Accommodation Guide - quality accommodation in Lanark for holiday or business travel. Scotlands Lanark accommodation options include hotels, lodges, guest houses, camping, bed and breakfast and self catering accommodation including holiday homes and apartment rentals. Whatever your Scottish Lanark accommodation requirements we will help you find the right place. Email enquiries & reservations: |
Places to stay LanarkHotels and Inns Bed & Breakfast - Guesthouse
Backbrae House
Self Catering and Cottages Camping Caravan Hostel
Welcome to Lanark ScotlandThe historic burgh of Lanark was the location of the first meeting of the Scots Parliament in 978. Today it is one of the most important towns in The Clyde Valley, and has a bustling market. Lanark Market is one of Scotland's largest farming markets. A few hundred years after the first Scots Parliament took place in Lanark, William 'Braveheart' Wallace resided in the town. There are tributes to Wallace's fight for freedom in Lanark. Lanark itself is an attractive town. The St Nicholas parish church, though
only dating back to 1774, is home to the world's oldest bell, cast in
1130. Lanark is perhaps best known for nearby New Lanark. Accommodation in and around LanarkPrice Guide - per person based on sharing room: under $40 - $41 - 70 - more than $70