Welcome to Cruachan Lodge Lochinver ScotlandCruachan Lodge Lochinver accommodation guide - everything you need to know before visiting Cruachan Lodge Lochinver Scotland. Room types, location, services, activities, facilities and information on Cruachan Lodge. Whether you are going for a holiday or a business trip to Lochinver in Scotland read all the accommodation information about Cruachan Lodge.
. Email Cruachan Lodge enquiries & reservations: bookscotland@madbookings.com
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Situated in Assynt, in the north west Highlands, Cruachan Lodge is remote, yet easy to reach. We are about two hours drive from Inverness which takes you through unforgettable, spectacular views. There are unspoilt beaches within easy reach, clifftop walks, and many mountain peaks, although dramatic, are reasonably easy to climb. Wildlife is in abundance, from our doorstep you could expect to encounter, stags, pine martin, wildcat, otter, and badger... the latter in residence within 100 metres. For bird lovers, a whole range of moorland and seabirds, including ospreys and eagle. Cruachan Lodge AccommodationA former Manse, Cruachan Lodge is now a comfortable four-bedroom guest house. Each room is individual, and has been tastefully refurbished to reflect our Scottish style. All bedrooms are en-suite, and have the usual facilities. We have a cosy residents lounge with open fire, where guests may relax. The dining room, also with an open fire, provides for diners excellent Scottish fayre. We source most of our food from within Scotland, thus able to offer the best of beef, lamb, venison and, of course fish including shellfish -when available. Dinners are home cooked and should, if possible, be booked in advance. Please bear in mind that the nearest restaurant is 7 miles away. Packed lunch on request.
Activities The easiest route starts just up the road from the Knockan centre, follow a well constructed path as far as it goes, then follow the cairns up Meallan Diomhain. From the top of this shoulder you can plot your walk up the side of a stream which runs from the corrie. Towards the top of the corrie, turn right up on to the ridge, a short walk takes you to a cairn, from here the views are stunning, overlooking most of Assynt. Take a clifftop walk Handa Island lies to the north, the bird population from here are frequent visitors, shags, fulmars, kittiwakes and guillemots, to name but a few. If you are lucky whales, dolphins, porpoise and of course seals, can be seen. Laze on the beach Local events DIRECTIONS Getting there by Aeroplane: Email Cruachan Lodge enquiries & reservations: bookscotland@madbookings.com