Blue Mountain Luxury Lodge Hazyview South Africa

Address: R514, Kiepersol, 1241 (Hazyview), Mpumalanga - South Africa

Blue Mountain Luxury Lodge Hazyview accommodation guide. Everything you need to know before visiting Blue Mountain Luxury Lodge Hazyview South Africa, photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location, booking information, costs rates and prices for your stay at Blue Mountain Luxury Lodge Hazyview, read all the accommodation information about Blue Mountain Luxury Lodge.


Blue Mountain Luxury Lodge

Over a hundred years ago, brave pioneering men with wagons laden with merchandise, traversed the untamed territory between Sabie and the shoreline of Delagoa Bay. Their progress over the ridged spine of the Drakensberg mountain range was slow and hazardous and they were plagued by the ravages of malaria.


Blue Mountain Luxury Lodge

But they were handsomely rewarded as they witnessed the expansive beauty of untouched horizons, animals roaming freely as nature decreed, camping under vast heavens studded with a million jewel-like stars, whilst the earth jealously revealed her treasures of gold and diamonds. Men and women of strong spirit flocked in search of instant riches, and it was a time when legends were made.

Blue Mountain Luxury Lodge
This territory was never created for the faint-hearted and it has taken the same resolve and passion to create a haven of beauty and excellence such as “ Blue Mountain Lodge.”

Deep pillared verandas, a romantic mix of old and new hints at a bygone era with the sensitive blend of timelessness and present comfort. A weekly pilgrimage to the Reef ensures only the best ingredients combined with the homegrown Blue Mountain herbs and vegetables essential to the innovative and “modern” cuisine.

Blue Mountain Luxury Lodge

“Blue Mountain Lodge” has firmly embraced the tradition of the area in a short time has become a Legend itself.