Gecko Rock Touws River accommodation

Gecko Rock accommodation guide – all the information you need about the accommodation at the Gecko Rock Touws River South Africa. Photographs, room types, location and booking information for your stay the Gecko Rock Touws River .


Touws River Hotels Self Catering, Camping Guesthouses and Places to stay

Photographs of Gecko Rock Touws River

Gecko Rock

Gecko Rock

Gecko Rock

Gecko Rock Prices


from/per night

Rhebokvlakte Cottage


Echo Valley Campsite


De Wet's Rus Campsite


Check in / out times

Check-In Times: 01:00 PM

Check-Out Time: 10:00 AM

Checking-In & Out Times must be adhered to.

For late arrivals please let us know when making your booking.

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Email Gecko Rock Reservations:

Gecko Rock offers visitors an unparalleled outdoor experience in one of the most unique natural areas on earth.

The scope of activities on offer at this special place, where the emphasis is on preservation of the environment, is sure to hold an attraction for everyone.

Gecko Rock Accommodation

De Wet's Rus Campsite
Includes: Room Only
Situated under shady trees in an alluvial plain, this site is equipped with four toilets and four showers in two separate locations. The communal area features a generous kitchen, a central barbecue area complete with braai drums and grids, and a splash pool for those lazy Karoo days. Ample space for up to 20 vehicles and tents is provided.

Gecko Rock



Echo Valley Campsite
Includes: Room Only
Nestled in a private valley, this intimate campsite is a must for smaller groups who prefer privacy. The shower and toilet is located at a suitable distance from the camp area, and the communal area is equipped with a sheltered kitchen leading to the barbecue area.

Rhebokvlakte Cottage
Includes: Self-catering
Fully equipped for self-catering, Rhebokvlakte offers a very private stay. Situated in a panoramic valley, the cottage promises a front row seat to the best sunrises in the Karoo. Of wooden construction, the insulated finish ensures cool days and warm nights. Designed for two adults, the cottage accommodates two small children on mattresses inside, or just outside the door in a tent, where they can enjoy their own adventure.

Gecko Rock Facilities

Bathroom Facilities En-suite
Beds Double beds
Other Self-catering
Views Mountain

Gecko Rock Activities

Camping and hiking
Motorcycle Training
Mountain Biking
Flower Tours and succulent tours
Star gazing
Bird watching

Email Gecko Rock Reservations: