Dalat Flower Hotel Dalat Vietnam


Dalat Flower Hotel Dalat accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Dalat Flower Hotel Dalat Vietnam. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Dalat Flower Hotel Dalat, read all the accommodation information about Dalat Flower Hotel.


Dalat Flower Hotel

Welcome to Dalat Flower Hotel

Coming to Dalat Flower Hotel, guests will enjoy the unique architecture is designed in distinctive style, "do not touch" and completely new: each room named after a flower typical of Dalat as Mimosa and gems, hydrangeas, roses, Lisianthus, Dong Tien, Lily, Thach Thao.


Dalat Flower Hotel

Hotel accommodations have been carefully appointed to the highest degree of comfort and convenience. In some of the rooms, guests can find towels, slippers, internet access and wake-up service. Whether you are a fitness enthusiast or are just looking for a way to unwind after a hard day, you will be entertained by top-class recreational facilities such as mini golf course, sauna, fishing, spa, massage.

Dalat Flower Hotel
Dalat Flower Hotel
The facilities and services provided by Dalat Flower Hotel and Spa ensure a pleasant stay for guests. To name a few of the hotel's facilities, there are free WiFi in all rooms, convenience store, daily housekeeping, gift or souvenir shop and grocery deliveries.
Dalat Flower Hotel
Hotel Facilities
Dalat Flower Hotel hotel facility Restaurant
Dalat Flower Hotel hotel facility Aiport shuttle
Dalat Flower Hotel hotel facility Laundry service
Dalat Flower Hotel hotel facility Tour desk
Dalat Flower Hotel hotel facility Dry cleaning
Dalat Flower Hotel hotel facility Spa

Dalat Flower Hotel Room Price Guide

All prices given are per room per night in US$

Prices are starting prices given as a guide only, actual price may vary depending on availability.

Room Type and Season

Room Type

Room Type
Room Type and Season

Room Type
Price 2

Room Type