Dalat Green City Hotel Dalat accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Dalat Green City Hotel Dalat Vietnam. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Dalat Green City Hotel Dalat, read all the accommodation information about Dalat Green City Hotel.
Welcome to Dalat Green City Hotel
Located in the center of Dalat, the Dalat Green City Hotel is a perfect place
to stay in Dalat.
Within 5 minutes of most major attractions in Dalat. Quiet and newly refurbished.
Beautiful mountain and city views from the rooftop.
The hotel consist of 12 rooms in total, 3 twin rooms (2 queen size bed), 3
double rooms (1 king size bed), 4 quadruple rooms (2 king size bed) and 2
family rooms (3 king size bed)
All prices given are per room per night in US$
Prices are starting prices given as a guide only, actual price may vary depending on availability.