Dalat YOLO Hostel Dalat Vietnam


Dalat YOLO Hostel Dalat accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Dalat YOLO Hostel Dalat Vietnam. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Dalat YOLO Hostel Dalat, read all the accommodation information about Dalat YOLO Hostel.


Dalat YOLO Hostel

Welcome to Dalat YOLO Hostel

YOLO is a special hotel room and bed design styled like a miniature dormitory, where you can connect the backpackers, tourists Vietnam and groups of friends visiting Dalat.


Dalat YOLO Hostel

The hotel features 9 beautifully appointed guest rooms, many of which include internet access, wake-up service, shower and shared bathroom. Throughout the day you can enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of the solarium, billiards. Enjoy unparalleled services and a truly prestigious address at the Dalat YoLo Hostel.

Dalat YOLO Hostel
Dalat YOLO Hostel
Coffee and Bar
Level 1 is YOLO Coffee and Bar, a place for you and your guests in Dalat local space to experience, enjoy coffee, special drinks and talk. Specifically, you will admire the walls and a billiard table bizarre to entertain friends.

Dalat YOLO Hostel
Hotel Facilities
Dalat YOLO Hostel hotel facility Taxi service
Dalat YOLO Hostel hotel facility Coffee shop
Dalat YOLO Hostel hotel facility Smoking area
Dalat YOLO Hostel hotel facility Luggage area
Dalat YOLO Hostel hotel facility Shared TV lounge
Dalat YOLO Hostel hotel facility Car hire

Dalat YOLO Hostel Room Price Guide

All prices given are per room per night in US$

Prices are starting prices given as a guide only, actual price may vary depending on availability.

Room Type and Season

Room Type

Room Type
Room Type and Season

Room Type
Price 2

Room Type