Doi Dua Hotel Vung Tau accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Doi Dua Hotel Vung Tau Vietnam. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Doi Dua Hotel Vung Tau, read all the accommodation information about Doi Dua Hotel.
Welcome to Doi Dua Hotel
The location is isolated, large hotel area always get the breeze from the ocean blew in, carrying the salty taste of the sea, warm aroma of flowers interwoven and the voice of mirth the coconut trees, green trees towering over the space filled with fluffy clouds.
The hotel has 63 standard rooms with garden, surrounded by airy space suitable
for all travelers when traveling on business or pleasure. The staff ensures
guests comfortable and fun during their stay.
All prices given are per room per night in US$
Prices are starting prices given as a guide only, actual price may vary depending on availability.