Right in the middle of the country Windhoek is Namibia’s vibrant capital city. It’s not a big city but has a pleasant vibe about it and has some places of interest to visit.

Windhoek City Namibia

What to do in Windhoek

  • Christus Kircke
  • Alte Feste
  • Independence Museum
  • Shopping Malls
  • Zoo Park
  • Restaurants
  • Daan Viljoen Game Reserve

Christus Kirche Windhoek Namibia

Christus Kirche

Building started 1907 and was finished in 1910 this distinctive Windhoek landmark is in neo-Romanic style and shows an influence of Art Nouveau. Many of the objects inside the church were donated from various christain communities across Germany. Ther building itself is made from local sandstone but the entrance way is made from marble from Italy. 

Picture taken at Alte Feste Windhoek Namibia

Alte Feste

Meaning "old fort" the Alte feste was built in 1890 as a headquarters for the German Schutztruppe in South West Africa. It is one of the oldest buildings in Windhoek. At that time Windhoek did not exist and over the yeasr the city grew around the fort.
In 1957 it was declared a national monument and used to be a museum. In recent years though it has closed and fallen into disrepair.  

Picture taken at Independence square Windhoek Namibia

Independence Museum

The Independence Memorial Museum is dedicated to the country's anti-colonial and independence struggle. Towering over the Alte Feste and Christus Kirche - symbols of previous historical events in Namibia - this rather ugly building tells a rather biased story of history but does have a good view of the city from the balcony.

Picture taken at the Grove Windhoek Namibia


While not known for being a shopping mecca Windhoek does have several malls offering the usual mall type shops: supermarkets, clothing, phone stores, eateries etc. Great for picking up anything you may need for your time in Namibia.

Picture taken at Zoo Park Windhoek Namibia

Zoo Park

A small botanical garden right in the heart of the city Zoo Park has a nice cafe one one side and is a popular place for locals to relax in the shade but does suffer from hawkers and a few shady characters hanging around. 

Picture taken at Windhoek Namibia

Eating Out

There is no one area of Windhoek that features lots of great places to eat, you have to dig around to find the special places tucked in small centres and down side streets, there is no shortage of places to eat.

Picture taken at Daan Viljoen Windhoek Namibia

Daan Viljoen

4,000 hectares of wildernes sanctuary only 20km from Windhoek, Daan Viljoen is a nice escape from the city. It is possible to stay the night or day visit. While there are no big animals (Elephant, Rhino, Lion), there is still lots of antelope to see.

self drive Namibia

Places to stay in
Windhoek City

All the places to stay in and around Wkindhoek incluiding along the airport road listed here.

Picture taken at Independence square Windhoek Namibia

Road trips in Namibia

Here are some more ideas of road trips through Namibia, browse and see what takes your fancy, or simply send us an email with your desires and we will put your trip together for you.

Most people came to Namibia for the wide open spaces, wildlife, culture and scenery so Windhoek is not high on peoples lists of must sees and to be honest I would have to say that if you don’t get to spend any time in Windhoek you would not have missed out on a great deal.

However if you do have time around Windhoek there are some of the places that are worth visiting while in the capital of Namibia - Welcome to Windhoek.

Wernhill Windhoek Namibia