Kismet Inn Hopkins Belize

Kismet Inn Hopkins accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Kismet Inn Hopkins Belize. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location, booking information, costs rates and prices for your stay at Kismet Inn Hopkins, read all the accommodation information about Kismet Inn.


Kismet Inn

Welcome to Kismet Inn

Kismet Inn is a beautiful Rustic Inn, Bed and Breakfast, situated in the far north of unspoiled Hopkins Village, Stann Creek, Belize. Hopkins is a wonderful small Garifuna beach village. Tricia always says "Hopkins is a small drinking village, with a slight fishing problem."

Kismet Inn

Kismet Inn

Travelling single, as a couple or a group and want to stay? Kismet Inn is located on the beach and is affordable. We try our best to keep our rates as cheap as possible.

We have camping and RV spots, private rooms and a beach cabana, called Kit & Bob's Cool Spot, with a full kitchen.

Kismet Inn

We have a large family cabana, for a family or can be used dorm style for large groups. This sleeps 7 and is located in the Inn upstairs. It has 2 private double bed rooms and a day room with 3 single beds and a big eating table.

Kismet Inn
Kismet Inn

The Cultural House, has a single bed and a double bed, with a full kitchen. Then we have TheGarden Room with a double bed and attached bathroom.

A beautiful outside orchid shower. The thatched fire hearth is just next to the front door for barbecues or a social area.

Kismet Inn
If relaxing is more your style, be sure to spend some time on the beach. Watch for manatee and dolphin, the beautiful sunset, or sunrise from our location. Listen to the intoxicating sounds of the waves while drinking a ice cold belikin beer.


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