Contact Number Email and Directions
for Hostal Bayamo Cuba

Address: 67 Av Amado Estévez, Bayamo, Cuba



Contact Number and Email

Tel (Cuba +53) : 23429127

make a booking at Hostal Bayamo

Directions to Hostal Bayamo

How to get to Cuba
Primary way to get to Cuba is by flight. Flights to Frank Pais International Airport are available.
Frank Pais International Airport is 60-70kms away from Bayamo.
Flights are available locally from Havana to Carlos Manuel de Cespedes Airport, in Bayamo itself

How to get to Hostal Bayamo
From Frank Pais International Airport
Head Northwest for 130m until you get to T-Junction, then turn Right
Head Northeast for 3.4km untill you get to a 4-way intersection, then turn Right
Head Southeast for 1km then keep right to turn onto Carretera Central
Head Southwest on Carretera Central for 62km then turn Right onto Av Amado Estévez
Drive about 400m to get to Hostal Bayamo

From Carlos Manuel de Cespedes Airport
Head Northwest 260m then turn Right
After 60m, turn Right onto Carretera Central
Head Southwest on Carretera Central for 4.4km then turn Right onto Av Amado Estévez
Drive about 400m to get to Hostal Bayamo
directions to Hostal Bayamo map

Hostal Bayamo Booking Form
Your Contact Details

Your First Name:

Your Surname (Family Name):

Your Nationality:

Your Telephone Number:

Email Address: (*required field)

Please check & re-type your email address: (*required field)
Note: we will be unable to reply to you if there is a mistake in your email address

Booking Details

Number of Rooms Required:

Arrival Date:

Departure Date:

Number of Adults Travelling:

Number of Children aged 13 years or above:

Number of Children aged 0 to 2 years:

Number of Children aged 3 to 5 years:

Number of Children aged 6 to 12 years:

Comments and Special Requests: