The countryside undulates gently, lush and green with pockets
of coconut palms towering over cashew nut thickets – freshwater
lakes dominate the area. Here, in a clearing, lies the tiny, sleepy
village of Chidenguele (meaning “The Highest Point”
in the local, Chope language).
The village may only have one short street, but its name is emblazoned
proudly in white stone on the hill behind the sandy soccer field.
The cathedral, crisp and white on the opposite hill, seems quite
out of place with its stained-glass windows. The rustic, African
‘mercado’ (market) and single shop, trickle out a supply
of whatever fruit and vegetables are available, but always beer
and pau (the legendary Mozambican bread).
From the village of Chidenguele, a scenic sand track leads to the
spectacular coastline only 5 kilometres away. |