Physical Address of Tenda Tora:
Where is Tenda Tora?
From Maputo, take the EN1 left to Xai-Xai for approximately 150 km. At Macia, turn right for approximately 33 km to Praia do Bilene. At the traffic circle, take the third exit and turn left at the T-junction. Continue past both filling stations and turn left after the market at the Mahungo / Nhabanga sign. Take the first right and immediately first right again. We are located on the left-hand side, 600 m off the main road.
Directions from Jhb, Nelspruit
From Jhb / Pta, travel on the N4 to Komatipoort. Enter at the Lebombo border post, Komatipoort, SA side then Ressano Garcia, Mozambique side. Travel approx 90 km's towards Maputo. Turn left just before Maputo on the EN1 towards Xai-Xai (pronounced Shy Shy) for approx 150 km's. You will pass many small towns along the way including in order: Maracuene, Boboli, Manhica, Palmeira, 3 de Fevereiro, Magule, Macia.
At the town, Macia (just after the BP on the left
and U-save shoprite on the right) turn right to Praia do Bilene for approx
33 km's.
You will arrive at a circle (Bilene Motel & BCI Bank). Take the 1st exit
(the fresh water lake will be on your left) . At the T-Junction turn left
for approx 200m’s. Go past the market (left hand side) . Immediately
after the market - turn left onto a dirt road (Tenda Tora sign, Bairro Mahungo,
Nhabanga sign, lots of signs), (If you go past the Millennium Bim bank, you
have gone too far).Go over the little bridge for approx 400m’s and take
the very first right and immediately right again. Follow the Tenda Tora signs
and arrive safely. Enter the lodge slowly and quietly – please do not