Biolina Guesthouse El Nido Palawan Philippines

Need to make a booking or to ask some questions about Biolina Guesthouse? Here are the contact details, email, phone number, booking form and directions for Biolina Guesthouse in El Nido



Biolina Guesthouse

Biolina Guesthouse booking contacts

Philippines Cebu booking Office
(+63)Tel: 032 253 3564

send an email about Biolina Guesthouse send an email about Biolina Guesthouse

Biolina Guesthouse

To get to El Nido there are three ways
1/ Manila to El Nido Airport - A direct, short (but fairly expensive) flight in a small plane which gets booked far in advance during the high season so you should book well in advance.

2/Flight to Puerto Princesa Airport from either Manila or Cebu
Once in Puerto Princesa you then have a 6-hour air-con minibus trip from the airport to El Nido Town cost approx P600 and can be arranged at the airport

3/ Boat from Coron. If you have been staying in Coron there is one ferry a day from Coron to El Nido, it takes around 8 hours and cost P1500.

Booking Form
Your Contact Details

Your First Name:

Your Surname (Family Name):

Your Nationality:

Your Telephone Number:

Email Address: (*required field)

Please check & re-type your email address: (*required field)
Note: we will be unable to reply to you if there is a mistake in your email address

Booking Details

Number of Rooms Required:

Arrival Date:

Departure Date:

Number of Adults Travelling:

Number of Children aged 13 years or above:

Number of Children aged 0 to 2 years:

Number of Children aged 3 to 5 years:

Number of Children aged 6 to 12 years:

Comments and Special Requests:

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