Contact Number Email and Directions
for Sunset Vista Camotes Island Philippines

Address: Looc, Esperanza Camotes Island



Contact Number and Email

Tel (UK) : +44 7754532117

make a booking at Sunset Vista

Directions to Sunset Vista

How to get to Camotes Island
Camotes Island is east of Cebu Island.

As there are no direct flights to Camotes, you wil need to catch a flight to Mactan Airport in Cebu and follow below directions.

How to Get to Sunset Vista From Cebu City or Mactan airport
You need first to get to the North Bus Terminal, then ask for a bus that goes Danao
All the buses going to the north part of Cebu pass by the ferry terminal in Danao.
Ask the driver to drop you off at Danao City Port or commonly known as Pantalan.
Then, buy yourself a ferry Ticket, there are 5 ferries each day, the travel time is 2 hours, once you arrive in Camotes Port, ride on a motorcycle or a jeepney and ask the driver to bring you to the village of Looc, Esperanza to Sunset Vista resort.

Sunset Vista Booking Form
Your Contact Details

Your First Name:

Your Surname (Family Name):

Your Nationality:

Your Telephone Number:

Email Address: Looc, Esperanza Camotes Island (*required field)

Please check & re-type your email Address: Looc, Esperanza Camotes Island (*required field)
Note: we will be unable to reply to you if there is a mistake in your email address

Booking Details

Number of Rooms Required:

Arrival Date:

Departure Date:

Number of Adults Travelling:

Number of Children aged 13 years or above:

Number of Children aged 0 to 2 years:

Number of Children aged 3 to 5 years:

Number of Children aged 6 to 12 years:

Comments and Special Requests: