Guesthouses Vleesbaai South Africa

Vleesbaai guesthouse Guide - Guest houses in Vleesbaai offer a pleasant choice as a place to stay in the area. Offering private rooms with en-suite or sometimes shared bathrooms. Meals are usually available on request. Most small guesthouses in Vleesbaai are family - owner run making them a more friendly choice for accommodation and you can get ideas and advice of what to do in and around Vleesbaai from your hosts.



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About Vleesbaai
Airport - 80km
Fuel Available
Tyre repair /garage
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Atm Machine


Accommodation choices
Hotels & Lodges
Guesthouses & Bed and Breakfasts
Self Catering
Camping & Caravan

Vleesbaai Guesthouses

Garden Route Sandcastle

Garden Route Sandcastle

The Sandcastle is a sea side beach house that provides luxury sea side accommodation. It is located in Vleesbaai (Mossel Bay area) in the heart of the Garden Route along paradise coast - a private beach resort with a 24 hour entrance control.
Click here to read more about Garden Route Sandcastle

Email Reservations:

Price Guide in Rand: Price Range: R280 to R450 pp sharing